Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Oh So Daisy Turns 1!

Ahh! Yesterday, my blog became one year old! I can't believe I've been writing on my little space of the internet for a whole year, it seems so strange! 

(Okay, we're approaching the cringy section of the post, get your sick buckets at the ready.)

I just want to thank everyone who reads my little blog, follows me and comments such nice things whenever I publish a new post. 
Starting a blog was just an idea I had to get into the beauty blogger/youtuber world and a bit of fun, blogging is just a hobby for me, and to be honest I would much rather be up late typing about a new lipstick I've bought than out doing whatever normal 15 year old girls do. (What do normal 15 year old girls do?)
Blogging has also helped me become more confident (yay!), more original with my ideas, and improved my writing skills (yawn). From writing my own blog and reading other people's, I've learned so many things, like beauty tips, photography tips and tips on how to improve my blog. It's also introduced me to new brands and new products, I love buying new products that have been given good reviews or recommended to me (Not so great for my purse).

So thank you to everyone who has clicked onto my blog, whether you read one of my posts or ten, left a comment or followed me. Doing this has made me so happy, and it makes me so excited when I see I have a new follower or my blog views have gone up, or someone's mentioned me in a tweet. I love sitting down and just typing away about a new piece of make up I've been loving, and knowing that there's people out there who like reading about my beauty ramblings makes me want to do it all the more!

So thank you so much again, and here's to another year of me rambling on about make up on this blog! *raises glass of blackcurrant diluted juice*


  1. Congratulations! Blogging is hard but its so rewarding! I am coming up to my 1 year birthday too and I can't believe it has been a whole year!

    Rachel xxx

    1. Sorry for not replying earlier, but thank you so much! Blogging is hard, but I love doing it! I love your blog! xxx
