Sunday, 29 November 2015

The Go-All Out Beauty Gift Guide!

This week, the only posts and videos I've been seeing in my Bloglovin feed and Youtube subscription box have been Christmas gift guides. So, I thought that it was finally acceptable for me to fully embrace my Christmas spirit and start making up my own gift guides! I'm thinking about doing three gift guides; a go-all-out one (which you're reading now), an under £25 one, and a £10 and under one.
All the gifts in this post are under £100, so they're perfect if you want to splurge on a particular person!

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Updated Skincare Routine 2015

About two months ago, my skin broke out quite badly, especially on my forehead and chin. I had red, angry spots popping up all over my face, which I felt really self conscious about, and I buried my face in 6 layers of concealer when I went to school. 
I tried out a few different products, and I think I've got a good routine of products that works with my skin and clears up my skin and prevents the majority of spots (although I do get the odd annoying spot).

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

New In: November 2015

So... I've been shopping recently. What's new? Well, recently, Boots have been doing a 3 for 2 across all make up, which we all know is very dangerous for people like me. 
A few weeks ago, I was out buying Christmas shopping and I was determined to buy some presents for my family and friends. What did I end up buying? One little Christmas present and then some make up goodies for myself. Whoops...

Sunday, 15 November 2015

US Beauty Wishlist

Like every other make up-obsessed girl living in the UK, I dream of going to the Motherland (aka Sephora) and buying every piece of makeup in sight. 
I'm going to confess something - Sometimes I like to sit for hours and put things into my basket on the Sephora website, and then reach that sad moment where I have click off of the website and continue on with my day. 

Sunday, 8 November 2015

Autumn Beauty Picks - 2015

I know I'm a little late to the party, but today I'm bringing you my Autumn beauty picks. I was originally planning on just a lip or nail post, but I had so many products I wanted to show that I decided to just do a full post on all of my favourite beauty products for Autumn!