Hello again! So this week I thought I'd do a 25 facts about me as I fancied doing a tag, and I feel like a full fledged blogger now I'm doing this!!
Anyway I thought I'd post some random and totally unnecessary facts that you probably don't need to know about me, so I hope you enjoy!
1. I have to eat Salad Cream with every single meal. My food just doesn't taste the same without it.
2. My biggest fear in the entire world is snakes, but to be honest I'm terrified of most things: spiders, 90% of animals, ghosts and about a million different things.
3. My favourite movie ever in the entire world is the live action Beauty and the Beast. I absolutely adore this film and I cry at it every single time I watch it. The soundtrack's also amazing, and I listen to it every single day!
4. I'm currently in my last year of school, and this year I do advanced higher english (they're like first year uni level work), advanced higher history, higher modern studies (similr to a-levels) and higher admin.
5. To lead on from the last fact, history is my favourite subject and I would love to be a history teacher when I'm older!
6. I have to eat chewing gum after I eat something.I'm not sure why but I've done it for years and now it's just a habit and it means I go through an embarrassing amount of packets a week!
7. I'm quite shy and awkward in person, and I;'m not very good at making conversations with people.
8. I hate the look of bare nails, and always have to have my own painted or I hate people looking at my hands!
9. My favourite tv show is probably Reign, I'm always watching it and am always listening to the soundtracks. It's such a good show and I don't think I've cried as much at a tv show than I have at this!
10. I'm probably the least sporty person you'll meet. I avoid exercise at all costs and manage to dodge PE in school most weeks, and you'll never see me in a gym or in sporty clothes ever.
11. My favourite type of music to listen to, if you haven't already guessed, is musicals or movie soundtracks. My favourites are Beauty and the Beast, Les Miserables and Wicked, they just make me really happy to listen to and they're fab to belt out when you're in the house yourself (not that I do that at all...)
12. If there was 3 things I could be good at, they would be the ability to play the piano, sing, and do ballet (I've read too many books about girls and ballet and I just become more envious each time!)
13. My favourite snack foods are biscuits with tea, I'm literally always eating biscuits, my top favourites are oreos and jammy dodgers!
14. I love the idea of being vegan and would love to be one, but the reality is that I'm a fussy eater and don't like many vegetables at all, and I like cake and biscuits far too much to give them up...
15. I'm a big crier. I cry at movies, tv shows, books, music, you name it, I've shed tears over it!
16. I'm really awful at maths. I really struggle to do sums in my head, and it took me two years to actually pass my National 5 maths exam (I got a D in my first year and an A in my second year - I'm still in shock over that!) and much prefer writing essays in subjects like English, History and Art rather than sums and formulas.
17. Storytime: I once peed myself in Girl's Brigade when I was seven or eight when we were in the middle of a game of Traffic Lights. I had asked to go to the toilet but they refused to let me go so I just em- stood and peed and to this day, no one knew that the little puddle in the corner of the hall was because of me (Apart from all of you reading this, so please don't tell).
18. I own a ridiculous amount of clothes. I spend so much money buying new clothes and then complain a few weeks later that I don't have any, and then the whole cycle just starts again. I own so many pairs of black boots, so many skirts and dresses that I have filled up a wardrobe, drawers and now a box under my bed. I'm my worst in Primark, I'll honestly pick up anything because it's so affordable!
19. I was always reading books when I was younger, I adored Jacqueline Wilson and read every one of her books, but somewhere between around 12 and 16-ish I just suddenly stopped and it's only in the past year or so I've really started to get back into reading, and I've currently got a to-read list about a mile long!
20. I'm quite artistic, and I really love drawing and painting in my spare time. Granted, I haven't actually done either of these in a few weeks since I started back school since very teacher decides to give me homework at the SAME TIME so I'm quite busy after school and at the weekend just now. Although I say I like doing it, I am not very good at both drawing or painting, but it helps me de-stress and I love spending hours in my room doing little doodles and scribbles in my sketchbook.
21. I think I've mentioned this before, but I used to be such a huge One Direction fan. I read every interview, watched everything they were featured in and spent my money on anything that had their faces on. I even own a giant life-size cutout of Louis that is currently lying under my bed, and I have a box lying beside it that is full to the brim of merchandise and every One Direction item I own. I sobbed a small ocean when Zayn left and I can't even explain how much I cried when they announced they were going on a break...
22. I absolutely love going to concerts, and so far I've been to see Little Mix twice, One Direction, The Vamps, Lana Del Rey, and I'm going to see Little Mix and Harry Styles (Woop!) in November.
23. Another fun storytime: Last November we had to do a Biology assignment that had an impact on our overall grade in the exam, and I had absolutely no idea how to do it, my teacher wasn't allowed to help me and I was already in a panic because I didn't think I was going to pass Biology at all, and this would bring my grade down even more. So when it came time to do the assignment under exam conditions, I ended up bursting into tears in front of my whole class and had to wait outside so my teacher could speak to me and calm me down, and it was probably one of the most embarrassing moments of my life.
24. My favourite types of books to read are historical fiction, and dystopian societies, and my least favourite genre is probably thrillers, crime or anything about magic or fantasy
25. This is a bit of a controversial one to end on, but I have never read or seen any of the Harry Potter series, and to be honest I most likely won't. The whole storyline doesn't really interest me and I feel like I'm a fraud in terms of being a book lover. It's okay, I'll let you unfollow now...
I hope you enjoyed reading this post, and liked (or were put off by) all my weird habits and quirks. If you like this type of post and want to see more tag-y posts then please let me know because I love doing them!
Thank you for reading, and I'll see you soon!
I have one of these posts scheduled to go onto my blog.. I love reading the other facts that people come up with! I am just like you in the sense that I am always crying at films, and tv shows, haha! I just can't help myself. Lovely post :-)