Happy New Year! I was planning on doing a 2015 Favourites, but to be honest, I just wasn't feeling it and I was much more in the mood to do some sort of chatty post instead. So, here I am.
I feel as if we should have a proper name for these types of chatty posts, where I talk about what's going on with me and what I've been up to, as "The Roundup" sounds quite boring. Any ideas would be appreciated.
1. I hope you all had a great time celebrating the New Year, whether you stayed in or not. Personally, my friends and I had a great time stuffing ourselves with chocolate and playing board games. Each to their own I suppose...
I have made some resolutions, I'm not going to share them as I fear I may break if not all of them within a matter of weeks.
But I did make a promise to myself to try and make this blog more consistent and 'professional', by which I mean that I plan on posting on a weekly basis on a Wednesday, every week and trying to put more effort and time into taking photos for posts and writing the posts. So, we'll see how that goes!
2. Just to completely contradict everything I just said about posting regularly, I'm not sure how that's going to work in the coming weeks as my prelims begin at the end of January *crawls into ball and cries*.
Prelims, if you don't know, are like exams I sit before the big real exams that I sit in April and May. So a lot of my time will be taken up studying (or crying), and I may not have time to sit and write a blog post during the week. As much as I love blogging, my school work and education comes first and I really want to do well in these prelims and exams. So bear with me please!
3. So... I done some shopping. My excuse for this is "It was Boxing Day, the sales were on," But to be honest, about 80% of what I've been buying has not been in the sale. I have an endless list of things I want to buy, ranging from makeup to clothes to books. I'll post a haul in the next week or so, so look out for that.
4. False Lashes. The aspect always slightly confused me, I just didn't get why people chose to glue strips of what is essentially hair onto their eyes when they have perfectly good eyelashes already. Well, recently, I just haven't been liking how the lashes on my right eye look, They grow down straight, and can never hold a curl, whereas my other eye seemed to be fine. But it made me feel a tad self-conscious, so I started paying more attention to the lashes on display in Superdrug and Boots and concentrated more when Youtubers or bloggers talked about them.
I bought the Eyelure X Fleur de Force 'Simply Fleur' Lashes just before Christmas, and I've only worn them once or twice, but I love the way they make my eyes look. My eyelashes look so fluttery and long, but still look like normal, real lashes. They aren't heavy, I can't feel them when I have them on and they were surprisingly easier than I thought to apply. I also have a pair of the Tanya Burr 'Bambi Lashes', which are a bit more dramatic and fluttery, and I have still to wear them, although I'm very excited to!
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