Wednesday, 13 July 2016

You Know You're a Beauty Blogger When...

Hello! I thought I would take a break from my normal beauty posts and do a more funny (at least I think it's funny) post about different things that make you realise you're a typical beauty blogger!

1. Getting frustrated when you realise that today is your only available day to take blog photos and it's RAINING.

2. Shopping in Boots and deciding you simply must buy this new mascara to do a review on it for your blog.

3. Writing a blog post late at night and re-reading it the next morning and realising that it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

4. Having an idea for a blog post just as you're about to go to sleep and having to quickly note it down on your phone before you forget it.

5. Trying to edit the html of your blog to add something fancy to it but giving up after half and hour because NONE OF IT MAKES SENSE.

6. Deciding that writing and uploading your monthly favourites in time is much more important than revising for that maths test. 

7. Realising that you need to take up the 3 for 2 offer on beauty/skincare/haircare in Boots, it would be a crime not to!

8. Convincing yourself that you don't need a fancy template or designer to design your blog, you can do it all on PicMonkey yourself.

9. "Robyn, why do you have 12 of the exact same shade of lipstick?" "THEY'RE ALL DIFFERENT FINISHES!"

10. Spending ages taking photos for your new blog post only to realise when you've imported them onto your laptop that they look awful.

11. Justifying spending way too much money on a new palette by saying it's all for the purposes of your blog.

12. Looking on your phone and realising you have 5 Twitter notifications, and finally getting a feeling of what Zoe's life must be like.

13. Setting up your PR page on your blog and waiting for the brand collaboration requests to roll in - (but in reality the only requests that come in are to promote a new toaster.)

14. Being annoyed with yourself when you miss out on joining in with a blogger chat on Twitter.

15. Trying to sort out what lip products to take on holiday with you, and eventually just giving up and taking all 14 lipsticks with you.

16. Buying the new makeup product that everyone and their mother is raving about, and trying to convince yourself that you love it (because it was expensive AF)

17. Doing the full shebang with your skincare routine - double cleanse,face mask, toner, moisturiser, and eye cream - and making a pact to continue on with this routine every single night (although the next night you're lucky if you can even be bothered to use a wipe to take off your makeup).

18. Trying to follow along with a smoky eye tutorial and getting annoyed when the Youtuber looks great but you look as though you've just been given a black eye.

19. Walking into MAC with no makeup on and getting dirty looks from the staff when you buy things - YOU DON'T KNOW MY TRUE POWERS.

20. Photographing a palette with a mirror and coming to edit the photos a while later to realise that you can see your face in the mirror. (This happens all the time!)

I hope you found this post funny or relatable in some way! Feel free to comment any other ones down below!
Thank you for reading, and I'll see you soon!

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  1. This was so funny to read! Number 3 is definitely me! You should do more of these style of posts in the future! They make great reads xxx

    Thrifty vintage fashion

  2. This was so funny, I could definitely relate to a lot of them! Numbers 3, 16, 17 and 20 are totally me in a nutshell haha. Leonie x

  3. This was soo relatable! I absolutely loved reading this! x


  4. Can definitely relate to the HTML one! I always worry that I am going to completely mess everything up! xx

  5. Nice post! You forgot to mention the obsession with Ikea's Alex drawers, I feel like the whole blogging community (including myself) have one.

    1. Oh my god so I did, I have them too haha! Thank youu! xx

  6. Amazing post, I do almost everything :D
    I've just followed your blog, hope that you check mine.. x.
    Mia |

    1. Thank you! I'll give your blog a follow haha x

  7. This is such a good post I found it really entertaining! I can totally relate to number 17, I get sleepy so quickly and I end up falling asleep without completing my full skincare routine! I've given your blog a follow :) xx

  8. Ahhh no. 1 is me all the time haha! So glad it's Summer in the UK now and I have bright light all day now to take pics! x
    Morgan |
